Writing Under My Byline

Gluten-Free Living magazine is a national title that was acquired from the original founder by Madavor Media in 2012. The three of us who built the title from the ground up added new digital and social platforms as they were invented - website, blog, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram. My blog direction was “a day in the life” of a celiac and the mother of a celiac.  Here are three "day in the life" blog posts and this link will take you to the three years' worth of my blogs which are still available on the Gluten-Free Living website.

Swirling Mutant Ninja Glutens

I am not a person who sweats every crumb. I do the best I can in a household that contains 2 celiacs and 4 regulars. Put another way, I do not own two colanders for pasta. I use it first for gluten-free noodles and then for wheat pasta and then I trust that my dishwasher will take care of any sticky gluten particles.

I try not to be paranoid about my kitchen, except for two weeks ago when I had regular flour everywhere. Then I had the freaked out vision of little mutant ninja glutens with fangs settling on every appliance, cutting board, knife and gluten-free product in my house.

Caraway or No Caraway in Irish Soda Bread?

My cell phone rang last Friday and the voice on the other end of the phone asked “caraway or no caraway in your Irish soda bread? There are two schools of thought on what’s tasty in Irish soda bread, where do you stand?” I matched the voice to a friend who happens to be Irish and happens to have celiacs in her family. She is probably the best gluten-free baker I know.